Hello everyone! I am Muiz Jafri and I am a Grade 10 student at Pineridge Secondary School. Today, I had the pleasure to attend Illuminate x Durham’s regional conference. Here are my thoughts highlighting what I learned about in Illuminate X Durham's conference.
What I have learned from this conference is how I should go for my goals I should not be living a boring life, but instead I should go for what I love and always be motivated in what I should do. What I have learned from the keynote speakers is how I am able to explore my interests rather than just having a normal job with a good salary. It really motivated me to actually do something I actually love doing. Third, what I enjoyed the most about this conference are the guest speakers. They talked sense into me and motivated me to try taking me to the next level and trying to do something I love doing. How I will apply my learning to my future career goals is to keep doing what I love and I should always try to invest money in order to make more money. My motivated self will always keep pushing towards my goal.
In conclusion, I loved this conference and everything about it. It motivated me, made me learn about molecular biology, learned about what success means to me and most importantly it made me closer to many people I worked with. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I recommend others to go and have the same experience as I.