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The Right to Knowledge


Updated: Nov 28, 2020

In the modern-day, technology has developed rapidly and its widespread use is prevalent in many industries. The use of technology in education is also rapidly developing and new ways of learning are being invented and used so that everyone can learn and obtain a valuable education. Bright Ideas Business College (BIBC) is working on new ways to teach students who have physical and mental disabilities. BIBC strives to make sure that all students deserve a chance to learn important skills that can be used in the workplace to enhance their careers despite their disabilities.

Firstly, BIBC has looked into creating new learning styles for students who have hearing problems or hearing disabilities. Pupils who have hearing disabilities are offered the courses and lessons in a different fashion compared to other students. To explain, students who are deaf will have lessons where there is a sign language translator right alongside the lecturer who will decipher whatever the professor is saying into sign language. That way, students who are deaf or have impaired hearing can understand and actively participate in the lesson. This way, students with impaired hearing will also be accommodated for BIBC's coursework.

Next, BIBC also has solutions to help blind students and visually impaired students learn the courses that they wish to learn without any form of setbacks. For example, any text on BIBC's website will be in the colour black as it will be easier for colour-blind students to read whatever is on their screen. Moreover, students who are blind may get their assignments and coursework in the form of braille papers, audio lectures, podcasts and oral assignments in order to account for their disability. However, this form of delivering assignments will not remove content from the curriculum in any way.

Furthermore, students' mental health is one of the biggest priorities of BIBC. Bright Ideas Business College has placed many services for mental health for students and always strives to make sure that their students are feeling confident in their academics and in their lives. The syllabus for BIBC's courses can span up to a few months and students can even have the option of learning at their own pace without having to follow a given timetable. This way, students are given more freedom to learn when they want. Moreover, if students miss some due dates for coursework, they will be given a few extra days to submit their work if they are stressed from work or other external pressures. BIBC also offers counselling and therapy sessions for students who are experiencing a lot of stress in their personal lives or if they have a mental health disorder, such as ADHD, for instance. Students can book appointments with therapists to talk about any mental health issues that they are facing via Zoom video call. The call is strictly confidential and will not be shared. Students will also be given tips to improve their mental health and be presented inspirational quotes to make students stay positive in times of adversity.

These are some solutions that BIBC has developed to create a better education for all students, regardless of their setbacks. Personally speaking, I have a lot of respect for people with a disability as I see that they are fighting a battle that others cannot seem to relate to. Therefore, I believe that the solutions that BIBC has developed will tremendously help students with disabilities.


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