Hello, my name is Nicole Steiner and I am going into grade 11, currently attending Vaughan Secondary School. In the past few months, I have been working on professional industry case studies while learning about the world of consulting with Illuminate College and their National Partners. Here is an article I wrote that captures the following insights:
The importance of inclusion
Creating a positive and inclusive environment
Using technological advancements to ensure a positive educational experience for students with disabilities
As a high school student, I observe on a daily basis the challenges students with disabilities face at school. These challenges decrease the rate of their educational progression and hinder their ability to succeed in an educational environment. All students learn differently and respond to lessons differently. With this in mind, we created “Learning Without Limits”.
Learning Without Limits is an online site that provides a platform for students with disabilities to receive a high-quality education with the consideration of their needs and how they learn best. Small class sizes make learning easier and teachers are able to address all individual questions/ difficulties. Our online zoom meetings provide a convenient place to receive an education that is adapted to each students learning style. The website is easy to use by all and can be accessed from anywhere.
Learning and receiving a high-quality education is difficult for everyone, for students with disabilities there are even more challenges to overcome. Consider the personas of Lilly, Kiara, Noah and Benny. Each of these students faces different learning difficulties within their education system and can benefit from our adapted educational model.

Each of these students requires a different learning experience and with Learning Without Limits adaptive model, teachers prepare lessons to suit each individual's learning style. Through our partnership with National Geographic and Described Video Canada, we have access to audio sensory and virtual reality sets.
Learning without Limits works with students in small groups providing each student with enough teacher focus and a friendly environment to help nourish social skills. It provides a safe space for a virtual meet-up group for the small learning group once a week and provides headsets and audio/ visual sensory enhancements. Additionally, LWL hosts a parent's summit (online or in-real-life depending on the pandemic) to suggest ways to create a more enriched environment at home to help support their child using our program.

Inclusion is extremely important to me since I believe we live in a society where everyone's perspective should be valued. All people have different unique opinions and can contribute in a positive way if they are given the proper opportunity to learn and grow. Without an inclusive and adaptive program, many students will face the same struggles constantly that can be easily eradicated through Learning Without Limits. All students deserve the opportunity to learn and grow through a proper framework in which can be helpful in the future.
My advice for my peers to continue to demonstrate inclusion and embrace accessibility for students in the upcoming school year is to: be conscious and respectful of others’ needs, embrace your differences and educate yourself.
