Hello! My name is Jerry Zhou and I am a Grade 11 student from Markville Secondary School. Today, I attended one of the most exciting and professional case conference, the Illuminate Universe. Here are my thought from today's event
The Future of Social Entrepreneurship conference have altered my outlook on the subject. Not only did it allow to discover the potential I had, but also inspired me to become more inventive, and observe point from different viewpoints. New windows of opportunities have been opened and I am so glad that it allowed me to think outside of my comfort zone. I will keep everything I've learned in account as I advance to later stages of my life, because I recognize that the lesson will definitely be applicable to real world situation.
Finally, I would like to appreciate and thank every speaker that took their time and came in today, their presentations were beyond fantastic. Big thanks to the 4 regional leads Aaron, Laurel, Brandon and Jerry that the event can proceed so smoothly today. I would absolutely attend another illuminate event if I was given the chance, as I am genuinely interested in entrepreneurship