Welcome back to another weekly Think Tank at Illuminate. This week, Mashruf (Mash) Chowdhury returns to provide his invaluable insight on the hiring processes, so that job seekers across Canada can become the one sought after by their dream company. Join us as we delve into the unspoken secrets of success in "Creating a Successful Career During a Recession"!
Pitfalls to Success
Do you push yourself every day? Do you strive to become a better version of yourself and actively take steps to get there? Mash mentioned that stagnation often serves as the most common cause for new hires and long-term employees to face layoffs. If the company fails to acknowledge the progress you've made and the potential you possess within its organizational framework, it is worth considering the possibility that you may have reached your capacity for growth within the organization. However, let this realization serve as the impetus to propel yourself forward and aspire to achieve tenfold greatness. Push yourself to unleash your full potential!
Too Much Managing, Not Enough Doing
No Focus on Productivity, Doing the Bare Minimum
3 Steps to Success: Polish Your Resume and Cover Letter
For many of us, our resume and cover letter is our first impression with the hiring manager or recruiter. For Mash, he wants his resume to stand out, instead of looking like a generic resume template downloaded from Canva. That's why his resume is all about substance, not colour. Here's some tips Mash follows to make the biggest impression from a single page:
Remove anything unrelated to the posting
Include related keywords
Be precise, brief, and specific
Explain your impact in a single sentence
Numbers and percentages, but don't over do it
Mash demonstrated an exceptional level of preparedness by thoroughly researching the position even before applying. By articulating in the cover letter how he could seamlessly integrate into the company, Mash allowed the hiring manager to envision him successfully occupying the role. From that point forward, it was simply a matter of Mash fulfilling that envisioned potential.

3 Steps to Success: Start Having Coffee Chats
Networking is key to guaranteeing your ability to obtain insider information about the posting, or even sway the chances in your favour!

Learning about the job over a cup of coffee quickly guarantees you knowledge privy to only the inner circles, and will give you the leg up for that eventual interview. Mash simplifies his tactics into 3 key features.
Warm Introductions
Do you have a friend who is already working at a company that you'd like to apply for? Reach out! Ask your friend to talk to you about their position, and learn about the company from a trusted resource. After that, just ask if they are able tointroduce you to another person within the company. Discovering and forging these meaningful connections within the company fosters a sense of community, making you feel like an integral part of the organization prior to officially joining.
LinkedIn Hunting
The "Mash" Trick
3 Steps to Success: Show Off How Good You Are
Showing off your skillset to the public is a great way to get noticed. That's why Mash provides these tips as a way to complete the final step to landing your dream job.
Upskill Yourself
After you have talked to the people from the industry, you now have a clearer idea of what you need in order to achieve your goals. Participate in online courses and curriculums to learn from industry leaders to further your skills for the employer that you are looking for.
Thought Leadership
Keep up to date with the public blogs! You have no idea how often employees and peers peruse the web about their own interests. If you post regularly, you will not be able to leave your manager's head. Once you are firmly embedded in their conscious mind, it is only a matter of time before they reach out to you.
Show Off Your Projects
Recruiters and hiring managers want to find someone who is passionate about their craft. There is no better way to demonstrate that than to show off your own personal projects, or things that you have done to deepen your knowledge of the industry.

Mash's presentation about the hiring practices of the largest organizations in Canada provides invaluable insight on the largely unseen mechanics of the a job search. Through drive and perseverance, it matters little about the experiences and tenure of the prospects, but rather their potential for growth within the company, and their ability to push forward throughout many adversities to become a successful employee. Keeping a positive mindset, pushing forward to better yourself, while building the network and connections can open up opportunities to any student, regardless of their background.