As a student, I always seek new opportunities to gain tangible real-life skills and knowledge I
can’t gain in a classroom setting. Illuminate’s Associate National Lead programs gives me the
opportunity to do just that while also gaining invaluable skills in the process. This Saturday, I got to attend Tomiwa Ademidun’s Think Tank on “Gaining Scholarships” as a part of the Associate National Lead program.
Tomiwa's presentation on scholarships was incredibly insightful into how any student can find scholarships and apply to scholarships effectively. When it comes to writing a strong scholarship application, Tomiwa made good points about talking about your unique experiences in order to stand out above others. I found this information to be very useful, because scholarships are a valuable asset, especially in an age where college tuition is rising.
The long-term implications of having scholarships are worth mentioning as well. Tomiwa talked about how earning scholarships can show that you had the experience and background necessary to get them in the first place, which is helpful for any student's resume.
Thanks to Tomiwa, I learned a lot of valuable lessons about scholarships. I learned about how they work, how to find them, and how to obtain them. A keynote that Tomiwa emphasized was casting a large net when applying, but also going for niche, more specific scholarships that fit individual students' unique experiences. I hope that other students and I are able to apply what we've learned, to better prepare for what's next after high school.
