What Are The Events Like?

Jerry Chen
Illuminate is likely one of the best-run case competitions in Canada.
Erica Zeng
I truly believe that Illuminate is fostering the next generation of innovators and business professionals.
India Coates
If you aren’t smiling now, you will be
after meeting newpeople and going to workshops at this illuminate event.
Trevor Wang
The greatest breakthrough in my public speaking, to date, occurred at the
Illuminate case competition.
Global & Regional Events
Take a look at our upcoming regional events brought to you by our student leaders!
March 2023
March 2023
March 2023
March 2023
Youth Events
Adult Conferences

Have You Heard About Our Leadership Academy?
Illuminate is fostering the next generation of CEOs and business leaders through our private high school: The Illuminate Leadership Academy.
Learn from celebrity Fortune 500 lecturers and receive academic credit and volunteer hours! Our academy does not train you with quizzes and exams – instead, we provide hands-on learning.
You'll get to plan a conference to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce in Canada! Apply by Dec. 28 for our upcoming January intake!
Join the Dream Team That Makes Events Like These Possible
Our Academy students are part of our high school team of
Associate National Leads! Apply today to host a leadership conference in a major Canadian city!

Midtown TO
Diving into the "Future of Startups"
March, 2023 (TBA)

North York
Diving into the "Future of Lifelong Learning"
March, 2023 (TBA)

Diving into the "Future of Social Entrepreneurship"
March, 2023 (TBA)

Diving into the "Future of Women in Leadership"
March, 2023 (TBA)
Join the Full-Time
Illuminate team
We take a lot of pride in creating the kind of environment where innovation is encouraged, and people have the opportunity to accelerate their growth. We are a team of big thinkers and executors who want to make a positive impact in this world.
Sounds like you? Join our executive team today. Send an email to jessica@illuminateuniverse.com describing how you think your skillset could contribute to the Illuminate team.